Martin Soto: 23.1+1-4ubuntu7 is the newest. According to the Changelog, the fix was in 23.1+1-4ubuntu5 (so Ubuntu version 5, where you are now at version 7). On the system where you have installed Emacs, you can view the Changelog in /usr/share/doc/emacs23/changelog.Debian.gz (it's for Ubuntu as well as Debian, despite the name).
Martin Soto: 23.1+1-4ubuntu7 is the newest. According to the Changelog, the fix was in 23.1+1-4ubuntu5 (so Ubuntu version 5, where you are now at version 7). On the system where you have installed Emacs, you can view the Changelog in /usr/share/ doc/emacs23/ changelog. Debian. gz (it's for Ubuntu as well as Debian, despite the name).