* Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> [2009-03-20 15:05:44 CET]:
> I backported the fixes from Jaunty and created the following debdiff and
> am building it. It would be great if someone could take a look at it and
> make sure it is ok.
> ** Attachment added: "wesnoth_1.4.5-1ubuntu0.1.debdiff"
> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24149791/wesnoth_1.4.5-1ubuntu0.1.debdiff
Thanks, this looks almost identical to the patch I was working on. Your
last mail motivated me to give it a try and I just didn't check for the
specific format wishes for the changelog from the wiki page yet - was
busy with getting the 1.6a hotfix release uploaded to Debian and planed
to do it afterwards.
I can confirm that the patch is technically the same that I would have
proposed. Really big thanks to you Jamie for picking it up.
* Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> [2009-03-20 15:05:44 CET]: 1.4.5-1ubuntu0. 1.debdiff" launchpadlibrar ian.net/ 24149791/ wesnoth_ 1.4.5-1ubuntu0. 1.debdiff
> I backported the fixes from Jaunty and created the following debdiff and
> am building it. It would be great if someone could take a look at it and
> make sure it is ok.
> ** Attachment added: "wesnoth_
> http://
Thanks, this looks almost identical to the patch I was working on. Your
last mail motivated me to give it a try and I just didn't check for the
specific format wishes for the changelog from the wiki page yet - was
busy with getting the 1.6a hotfix release uploaded to Debian and planed
to do it afterwards.
I can confirm that the patch is technically the same that I would have
proposed. Really big thanks to you Jamie for picking it up.
All the best to you, and again: thanks!