I have the same problem on upgrading 20.04 to 22.04
release-upgrader version '22.04.15'
Brian, I've attached the /var/log/dist-upgrade logs:
Let me know if you need anything else.
From main.log:
2023-03-02 15:52:37,810 ERROR not handled exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-mowqr6lm/jammy", line 8, in <module>
File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-mowqr6lm/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeMain.py", line 241, in main
if app.run():
File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-mowqr6lm/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py", line 2042, in run
return self.fullUpgrade()
File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-mowqr6lm/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py", line 1991, in fullUpgrade
if not self.calcDistUpgrade():
File "/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-mowqr6lm/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeController.py", line 1100, in calcDistUpgrade
if not self.cache.installTasks(self.tasks):
AttributeError: 'DistUpgradeController' object has no attribute 'tasks'
I have the same problem on upgrading 20.04 to 22.04
release-upgrader version '22.04.15'
Brian, I've attached the /var/log/ dist-upgrade logs:
Let me know if you need anything else.
From main.log: ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---
2023-03-02 15:52:37,810 ERROR not handled exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/ubuntu- release- upgrader- mowqr6lm/ jammy", line 8, in <module> exit(main( ))
File "/tmp/ubuntu- release- upgrader- mowqr6lm/ DistUpgrade/ DistUpgradeMain .py", line 241, in main
if app.run():
File "/tmp/ubuntu- release- upgrader- mowqr6lm/ DistUpgrade/ DistUpgradeCont roller. py", line 2042, in run
return self.fullUpgrade()
File "/tmp/ubuntu- release- upgrader- mowqr6lm/ DistUpgrade/ DistUpgradeCont roller. py", line 1991, in fullUpgrade grade() :
if not self.calcDistUp
File "/tmp/ubuntu- release- upgrader- mowqr6lm/ DistUpgrade/ DistUpgradeCont roller. py", line 1100, in calcDistUpgrade installTasks( self.tasks) :
if not self.cache.
AttributeError: 'DistUpgradeCon troller' object has no attribute 'tasks'
2023-03-02 15:52:37,810 DEBUG running apport_crash()