Comment 105 for bug 1396379

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ):

@Imamul Islam (mii-1989)

Ubuntu 23.04 DESKTOP is expected to have 2x ISOs, the primary using the new desktop installer, the secondary ISO using the legacy ubiquity installer. You can see that in the lunar site ( where the LEGACY testcase will point to a different ISO)

Even if the primary ISO is not impacted; the legacy/ISO installer will likely still be impacted.

Note: I've had little experience with this issue; the only time I could re-create it was when I wrote the ISO to thumb-drive in specific ways & thus was impacted it... ie. a user can trigger this bug report via using specific ISO writes rather than the documented ISO procedures.. I don't doubt real users experienced it using the documented ISO write procedures; but I could not re-create it on the hardware I have access to.