* Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #2018051). Remaining changes:
- d/p/enable-find-multipaths.patch: re-enable find_multipaths by
default -- see the removed 'add_find-multipaths.patch' (LP 1463046)
- d/multipath.conf: Install friendly names multipath.conf by default,
instead of generating it in every installer.
- d/multipath-tools.dm-mpath-lvm.udev: Adjust initramfs integration
for new udev rules
- Remove d/initramfs/local-top (redundant with other initramfs scripts):
+ init-top: take over loading modules (dm-multipath and SCSI device
handlers); move the missing dm-emc there (now scsi-dh-emc; see
BTS 567014).
+ remove d/initramfs/local-top
- d/initramfs/hooks: Add dm-queue-length: users may want to
change from the default selector and should be able to do so.
(LP 1673350)
- multipath initramfs fixes for booting from multipathed devices:
+ d/initramfs/hooks: also copy wwids file on the installed
system to ensure all paths come up on boot. (LP 1479929)
+ d/initramfs/hooks: install multipathd and required directories.
+ d/initramfs/hooks: copy multipath udev rules to initramfs
+ d/initramfs/hooks: do not copy kpartx rules to initramfs
+ d/initramfs/local-bottom: remember to stop multipathd.
+ d/initramfs/local-premount: wait for udev to settle before
the call to resolve_device() in local_mount_root(), so the
by-uuid/ symlinks have a chance to be updated by the
multipath udev rules (LP 1503286).
+ d/initramfs/local-premount: Run multipath with -B so not to
assign names nor change /etc/multipath/bindings during
initramfs (LP 1561103)
- debian/initramfs/local-bottom: wait for the multipathd unix
socket to close, so to avoid multipathd.socket unit failure.
(LP 1682178)
- Split kpartx initramfs bits into kpartx-boot for dmraid (LP 941874)
+ d/kpartx-initramfs/hooks/kpartx
+ d/kpartx-boot.install
+ d/kpartx-boot.postinst
+ d/kpartx-boot.postrm
+ d/control: Add kpartx-boot package for dmraid
- d/rules: Move udev rules to priority 95, because rules that load
modules should be >90.
- d/rules: remove -Bsymbolic-functions from LDFLAGS
- Don't build the multipath-tools binary package on i386; only kpartx.
* Dropped changes:
- d/p/kpartx-Improve-finding-loopback-device-by-file.patch: Improve
finding loopback devices (LP 1747044)
[ Dropping due to LP: #1961633 ]
- d/rules: copy udev rule after build.
[ Included in debian version 0.9.4-5 ]
- d/multipath-tools.install: install tmpfiles.d/multipath.conf
[ Included in debian version 0.9.4-2 ]
- SECURITY UPDATE: symlink attack CVE-2022-41973
[ Applied upstream in 0.9.4 ]
- SECURITY UPDATE: authorization bypass CVE-2022-41974
[ Applied upstream in 0.9.4 ]
* Added changes:
- d/rules: do not install init scripts (LP: #2000186)
- Fix mpathpersist scsi3 pgr broken (LP: #2026881)
[ included upstream in 0.9.4 ]
[ Tobias Frost ]
* [b3824e9] Mention CVEs in changelog as suggested in developer reference 5.1
[ Chris Lamb ]
* [6bb1ffa] Rebuild libdmmp docs properly during build (Closes: #1037205)
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ]
* [8c46661] Remove library development files and all of libdmmp.
There are no users of the multipath libraries outside of multipath(d)
itself. Recently qemu gained support for multipath reservations; when qemu
wants to use this, the multipath-tools maintainers need to understand the
ABI status.
Disable building libdmmp completely, as no users seem to exist at all.
* [fb515b7] Remove intrusive patches for non-usrmerge-d systems.
* [b901229] Drop 0004-systemd-alias-multipath-service.patch,
symlink is installed instead.
* [9654134] Re-add dm-multipath module loading to ExecStartPre
(Closes: #1037292)
[ Chris Lamb ]
* [3a71447] Make the build reproducible (Closes: #1016583)
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ]
* [d815e6b] Use libedit instead of libreadline.
Using patches from openSUSE, expected to go upstream in the next
Thanks to Martin Wilck <email address hidden>, Bastian Germann <email address hidden>
(Closes: #979095)
* [f0e62a1] Add more patches from openSUSE to fix small bugs
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ]
* [057ee38] Apply wrap-and-sort -a
* [8c9d6fe] Use debhelper compat level 13
* [99f87ed] Use dh_missing
* [f7cde4c] Use dh_installsystemd
* [6797e0c] d/control: fix Depends/Pre-Depends mixup
* [c1cb1ba] Use debhelper sequencer (Closes: #801884)
* [eeb7a95] Remove upgrade code from versions before oldoldoldstable.
Specifically remove the debconf warning if scsi_id is still used (old
udev), and the init script bug fix. Rids us of all custom postinst/prerm
* [8491532] Use only one way of installing manpages
* [32fb1aa] Fix typo in README.Debian
* [5be350e] Possibly fix multipath in d-i
* [c46f47a] Make initramfs scripts +x again
This bug was fixed in the package multipath-tools - 0.9.4-5ubuntu1
multipath-tools (0.9.4-5ubuntu1) mantic; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #2018051). Remaining changes: find-multipaths .patch: re-enable find_multipaths by multipaths. patch' (LP 1463046) tools.dm- mpath-lvm. udev: Adjust initramfs integration local-top (redundant with other initramfs scripts): local-top
directories. local-bottom: remember to stop multipathd. local-premount: wait for udev to settle before local-premount: Run multipath with -B so not to bindings during initramfs/ local-bottom: wait for the multipathd unix initramfs/ hooks/kpartx boot.install boot.postinst boot.postrm functions from LDFLAGS /github. com/opensvc/ multipath- tools/issues/ 26) Improve- finding- loopback- device- by-file. patch: Improve tools.install: install tmpfiles. d/multipath. conf
- d/p/enable-
default -- see the removed 'add_find-
- d/multipath.conf: Install friendly names multipath.conf by default,
instead of generating it in every installer.
- d/multipath-
for new udev rules
- Remove d/initramfs/
+ init-top: take over loading modules (dm-multipath and SCSI device
handlers); move the missing dm-emc there (now scsi-dh-emc; see
BTS 567014).
+ remove d/initramfs/
- d/initramfs/hooks: Add dm-queue-length: users may want to
change from the default selector and should be able to do so.
(LP 1673350)
- multipath initramfs fixes for booting from multipathed devices:
+ d/initramfs/hooks: also copy wwids file on the installed
system to ensure all paths come up on boot. (LP 1479929)
+ d/initramfs/hooks: install multipathd and required
+ d/initramfs/hooks: copy multipath udev rules to initramfs
+ d/initramfs/hooks: do not copy kpartx rules to initramfs
+ d/initramfs/
+ d/initramfs/
the call to resolve_device() in local_mount_root(), so the
by-uuid/ symlinks have a chance to be updated by the
multipath udev rules (LP 1503286).
+ d/initramfs/
assign names nor change /etc/multipath/
initramfs (LP 1561103)
- debian/
socket to close, so to avoid multipathd.socket unit failure.
(LP 1682178)
- Split kpartx initramfs bits into kpartx-boot for dmraid (LP 941874)
+ d/kpartx-
+ d/kpartx-
+ d/kpartx-
+ d/kpartx-
+ d/control: Add kpartx-boot package for dmraid
- d/rules: Move udev rules to priority 95, because rules that load
modules should be >90.
- d/rules: remove -Bsymbolic-
- Don't build the multipath-tools binary package on i386; only kpartx.
* Dropped changes:
- d/p/kpartx-
finding loopback devices (LP 1747044)
[ Dropping due to LP: #1961633 ]
- d/rules: copy udev rule after build.
[ Included in debian version 0.9.4-5 ]
- d/multipath-
[ Included in debian version 0.9.4-2 ]
- SECURITY UPDATE: symlink attack CVE-2022-41973
[ Applied upstream in 0.9.4 ]
- SECURITY UPDATE: authorization bypass CVE-2022-41974
[ Applied upstream in 0.9.4 ]
* Added changes:
- d/rules: do not install init scripts (LP: #2000186)
- Fix mpathpersist scsi3 pgr broken (LP: #2026881)
[ included upstream in 0.9.4 ]
multipath-tools (0.9.4-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* [7578bfb] Fail package build if udev rules are missing
* [68c0ce2] Install udev multipath.rules again.
Thanks to Joshua Huber <email address hidden> (Closes: #1037539)
multipath-tools (0.9.4-4) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Tobias Frost ]
* [b3824e9] Mention CVEs in changelog as suggested in developer reference 5.1
[ Chris Lamb ]
* [6bb1ffa] Rebuild libdmmp docs properly during build (Closes: #1037205)
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ] alias-multipath -service. patch,
* [8c46661] Remove library development files and all of libdmmp.
There are no users of the multipath libraries outside of multipath(d)
itself. Recently qemu gained support for multipath reservations; when qemu
wants to use this, the multipath-tools maintainers need to understand the
ABI status.
Disable building libdmmp completely, as no users seem to exist at all.
* [fb515b7] Remove intrusive patches for non-usrmerge-d systems.
* [b901229] Drop 0004-systemd-
symlink is installed instead.
* [9654134] Re-add dm-multipath module loading to ExecStartPre
(Closes: #1037292)
multipath-tools (0.9.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Chris Lamb ]
* [f6f7ab0] Avoid race condition in man page build.
Leads to unreproducible contents. (Closes: #1030727)
multipath-tools (0.9.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* [1517c01] Install tmpfiles.d snippet into non-usr-merged compatible location
multipath-tools (0.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* [369b812] New upstream version 0.9.4 (Closes: #1022742)
Fixes CVE-2022-41973 and CVE-2022-41974.
* [ee2206e] Refresh patches
* [bcb0b07] Rework build steps to follow upstream changes.
And install libmpathutil.so.
* [f8ef90a] Use upstream-supported way of disabling systemd (for udeb)
* [8785eef] Update lintian-overrides
multipath-tools (0.9.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Chris Lamb ]
* [3a71447] Make the build reproducible (Closes: #1016583)
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ]
* [d815e6b] Use libedit instead of libreadline.
Using patches from openSUSE, expected to go upstream in the next
Thanks to Martin Wilck <email address hidden>, Bastian Germann <email address hidden>
(Closes: #979095)
* [f0e62a1] Add more patches from openSUSE to fix small bugs
multipath-tools (0.9.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* [baa940a] Install reportbug helper using dh_bugfiles (Closes: #1016512)
multipath-tools (0.9.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Athos Ribeiro ] file-loopback: silence kpartx messages to stderr
* [e3e7c47] d/t/kpartx-
[ Chris Hofstaedtler ]
* [057ee38] Apply wrap-and-sort -a
* [8c9d6fe] Use debhelper compat level 13
* [99f87ed] Use dh_missing
* [f7cde4c] Use dh_installsystemd
* [6797e0c] d/control: fix Depends/Pre-Depends mixup
* [c1cb1ba] Use debhelper sequencer (Closes: #801884)
* [eeb7a95] Remove upgrade code from versions before oldoldoldstable.
Specifically remove the debconf warning if scsi_id is still used (old
udev), and the init script bug fix. Rids us of all custom postinst/prerm
* [8491532] Use only one way of installing manpages
* [32fb1aa] Fix typo in README.Debian
* [5be350e] Possibly fix multipath in d-i
* [c46f47a] Make initramfs scripts +x again
multipath-tools (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* [6f546d1] New upstream version 0.9.0
* [8ff5696] Refresh patches
* [11da4e0] Follow manpages filename changes
* [bde7d75] Install new modules-load.d dropin file
* [1ac2df6] Avoid setting EXTRAVERSION
-- Mitchell Dzurick <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:04:12 -0700