Comment 32 for bug 1950282

Revision history for this message
Muralidharan (sethurmu) wrote :

Hi Jaejeon,

The error you have reported seems to be similar to #20.

As provided in comment #23, We had manually downloaded the 5.17 specific kernel deb packages
and we were able to successfully connect to the modem.

We did no see the issue that you are mentioning.

We could use the mmcli -m 0 to get the modem firmware version

Please share the logs for your reference.
Any idea which modem firmware you are using ?

As indicated by Stephane in #30, you would need to get the latest modem firmware from Fibocom colleauges and update the firmware using Telephony tool provided by us in #27, if you have access to windows setup

Thanks and Best Regards,