* Google reports not being able to display graphic desktop environment.
* CONFIG_SYSFB_SIMPLEFB was initially enabled in https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/jammy/commit/?h=master-next&id=0bf2a2472f71a3001a8a9a0849b6bed7e7069a7b. It was subsequently disabled for amd64 in https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/jammy/commit/?h=master-next&id=40b0ce0833309133453c3dbc19753f62084c0a7a. This was not reflected in the GCP kernel config.
[Test Case]
* Compile tested * Boot tested * To be tested by Google
[Where things could go wrong]
* Low chance of regression. Simple config change that was not taken from generic.
* Google reports not being able to display graphic desktop environment.
* CONFIG_ SYSFB_SIMPLEFB was initially enabled in https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- kernel/ ubuntu/ +source/ linux/+ git/jammy/ commit/ ?h=master- next&id= 0bf2a2472f71a30 01a8a9a0849b6be d7e7069a7b. It was subsequently disabled for amd64 in https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- kernel/ ubuntu/ +source/ linux/+ git/jammy/ commit/ ?h=master- next&id= 40b0ce083330913 3453c3dbc19753f 62084c0a7a. This was not reflected in the GCP kernel config.
[Test Case]
* Compile tested
* Boot tested
* To be tested by Google
[Where things could go wrong]
* Low chance of regression. Simple config change that was not taken from generic.