Thanks, Christian. I really like the idea of using ExecCondition and going back to default dh_installsystemd.
A little bit of info regarding landscape-config --is-registered and configuration/registration in general. When landscape-config is run to register landscape, after /etc/landscape/client.conf is updated with the provided values, landscape-config runs `systemctl restart landscape-client.service` is run to complete the registration process with the server. This is the "first start" of the service, and if it doesn't happen, then there's no possibility of registration being completed successfully.
Basically /var/lib/landscape/client/broker.bpickle existing is a prerequisite of being registered. There's no way for --is-registered to be able to return true before the service has been started because the service starting is required for registration in the first place.
I'm going to go ahead and test out the proposed patch.
Thanks, Christian. I really like the idea of using ExecCondition and going back to default dh_installsystemd.
A little bit of info regarding landscape-config --is-registered and configuration/ registration in general. When landscape-config is run to register landscape, after /etc/landscape/ client. conf is updated with the provided values, landscape-config runs `systemctl restart landscape- client. service` is run to complete the registration process with the server. This is the "first start" of the service, and if it doesn't happen, then there's no possibility of registration being completed successfully.
Basically /var/lib/ landscape/ client/ broker. bpickle existing is a prerequisite of being registered. There's no way for --is-registered to be able to return true before the service has been started because the service starting is required for registration in the first place.
I'm going to go ahead and test out the proposed patch.