Comment 0 for bug 1993888

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Niklas Schmelzle (nsmlzl) wrote :

$ lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release: 22.04

$ apt-cache policy podman-toolbox
  Version table:
 *** 500
        500 jammy/universe amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I tried to use an Ubuntu 20.04 image with toolbox (image from here Unfortunately, this image does not work (though other images, like the Ubuntu 22.04, do work).

I am able to create the toolbox without any problems, but I am unable to enter it (Error: invalid entry point PID of container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04).

$ toolbox create --image
Image required to create toolbox container.
Download (500MB)? [y/N]: y
Created container: ubuntu-toolbox-20.04
Enter with: toolbox enter ubuntu-toolbox-20.04

$ toolbox --verbose enter ubuntu-toolbox-20.04
DEBU Running as real user ID 1000
DEBU Resolved absolute path to the executable as /usr/bin/toolbox
DEBU Running on a cgroups v2 host
DEBU Checking if /etc/subgid and /etc/subuid have entries for user niklas
DEBU Validating sub-ID file /etc/subuid
DEBU Validating sub-ID file /etc/subgid
DEBU TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox
DEBU Migrating to newer Podman
DEBU Toolbox config directory is /home/niklas/.config/toolbox
DEBU Current Podman version is 3.4.4
DEBU Creating runtime directory /run/user/1000/toolbox
DEBU Old Podman version is 3.4.4
DEBU Migration not needed: Podman version 3.4.4 is unchanged
DEBU Resolving container and image names
DEBU Container: 'ubuntu-toolbox-20.04'
DEBU Distribution: ''
DEBU Image: ''
DEBU Release: ''
DEBU Resolved container and image names
DEBU Container: 'ubuntu-toolbox-20.04'
DEBU Image: 'fedora-toolbox:33'
DEBU Release: '33'
DEBU Checking if container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04 exists
DEBU Inspecting mounts of container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04
DEBU Starting container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04
DEBU Inspecting entry point of container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04
DEBU Entry point PID is a float64
DEBU Entry point of container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04 is toolbox (PID=0)
Error: invalid entry point PID of container ubuntu-toolbox-20.04

I created an issue on github in the repository of the Ubuntu images . However, the author of the repository suggested that this issue is probably not caused by the image itself, but by an bug in toolbox . The issue should be fixed in (

Would it be possible to update toolbox to (which was released last December).

BTW, I think an similar error occurs when running the default image (somehow set to fedora-toolbox-33).