After reseting BIOS to defaults iwl3945 Wireless can be activated with switch.
I also tried to install linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-17-generic, but after uninstalling them Wireless switch still works without problem, so, I'm not sure if linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-17-generic fixed some things or not :-/
After reseting BIOS to defaults iwl3945 Wireless can be activated with switch. -modules- 2.6.24- 17-generic, but after uninstalling them Wireless switch still works without problem, so, I'm not sure if linux-backports -modules- 2.6.24- 17-generic fixed some things or not :-/
I also tried to install linux-backports
Also I've noticed http:// rfswitch. sourceforge. net project (deb packages are available at http:// www.mirrorservi sites/sidux. com/sidux/ debian/ pool/main/ r/rfswitch/ and http:// www.parsix. org/packages/ pool/main/ r/rfswitch/ ), according to http:// www.intellinuxw ireless. org/bugzilla/ show_bug. cgi?id= 1454 rfswitch should help to turn off kill switch