to further corner the failing code.
1. is this failing in e.g. json output as well?
$ ip -j -p a | grep altname
2. if you set an additional altname is it ok?
$ sudo ip link property add dev enp2s0f0 altname mytest
$ ip a | grep altname
3. try more names
$ sudo apt install netsniff-ng
# Depends on your kernel headers
$ sudo /usr/bin/bash -x /usr/src/linux-headers-5.11.0-22/tools/testing/selftests/net/
If #2 & #3 didn't fail we need to find who adds these bad altnames and how it does so.
I haven't found a good interface to cross check, systemd/udev seems to do that.
So it might come down to debugging systemd/udev while hot-plugging one of those devices?
Hmm, linux-headers- 5.11.0- 22/tools/ testing/ selftests/ net/altnames. sh
to further corner the failing code.
1. is this failing in e.g. json output as well?
$ ip -j -p a | grep altname
2. if you set an additional altname is it ok?
$ sudo ip link property add dev enp2s0f0 altname mytest
$ ip a | grep altname
3. try more names
$ sudo apt install netsniff-ng
# Depends on your kernel headers
$ sudo /usr/bin/bash -x /usr/src/
If #2 & #3 didn't fail we need to find who adds these bad altnames and how it does so.
I haven't found a good interface to cross check, systemd/udev seems to do that.
So it might come down to debugging systemd/udev while hot-plugging one of those devices?