* d/p/series:
- Re-order patches in numerical order.
* d/p/0003-ubuntu-policy-fix-upload.patch:
- Fix sos archive upload to UA Canonical server
(LP: #1923209)
* d/p/0004-chrony-configuration-can-now-be-fragmented.patch:
- Chrony 4.0, first introduced in Hirsute, support
fragmented configuration.
* d/p/0005-global-drop-plugin-version.patch:
- Removal of plugins versionning features as it generate
unhelpful noise. (LP: #1922925)
* d/p/0006-networking-check-presence-of-devlink.patch:
- On certain kernel configuration, devlink cmds may
trigger the module to load automatically. This will
also prevent simple.sh, part of the autopkgtest, in
Bionic to fail due to devlink kernel conf in 4.15.
(LP: #1923661)
* d/p/0007-sosnode-avoid-checksum-cleanup-if-no-archive.patch:
- Fixes an exception propagation from `cleanup()`
where an attempt to look for and remove a checksum
file was made when an archive was not generated.
(LP: #1923641)
This bug was fixed in the package sosreport - 4.1-1ubuntu2
sosreport (4.1-1ubuntu2) impish; urgency=medium
* d/p/series:
- Re-order patches in numerical order.
* d/p/0003- ubuntu- policy- fix-upload. patch:
- Fix sos archive upload to UA Canonical server
(LP: #1923209)
* d/p/0004- chrony- configuration- can-now- be-fragmented. patch:
- Chrony 4.0, first introduced in Hirsute, support
fragmented configuration.
* d/p/0005- global- drop-plugin- version. patch:
- Removal of plugins versionning features as it generate
unhelpful noise. (LP: #1922925)
* d/p/0006- networking- check-presence- of-devlink. patch:
- On certain kernel configuration, devlink cmds may
trigger the module to load automatically. This will
also prevent simple.sh, part of the autopkgtest, in
Bionic to fail due to devlink kernel conf in 4.15.
(LP: #1923661)
* d/p/0007- sosnode- avoid-checksum- cleanup- if-no-archive. patch:
- Fixes an exception propagation from `cleanup()`
where an attempt to look for and remove a checksum
file was made when an archive was not generated.
(LP: #1923641)
-- Eric Desrochers <email address hidden> Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:34:42 -0400