thats to bad realy, all it seem sit needs an miner update even if its not noted as an .1 rels
as all that needs doing is it Not remove the repositories when it fails thats all do not see the problem in that as it makes problems for new users (brakes add/remove as well)
or Do not download the repositories full stop when installing ubuntu do it after (as when gusty came out all mirrors was hammered with users downloading then Hammered agane when thay install ubuntu on an Active internet connection as it downloads 6/9MB when connected)
you realy should give an Big warning about this when installing Gusty or just tell them to use Festy for now untill Hardy (8.04) is out as this is probly the worst ubuntu rels ever as past ubuntus i have never had problems with allso bundling it with stuff thats is unstable as well (apart from buttons not click-able untill you move your mouse off them and not and still not been able to play Winamp audio streams all the time {streams still an problem})
i should of tested 7.10 alot more as i could of brought this up alot sooner as it was noted more then 2-3 months before that this bug was present
you need to update the help files any way for gusty {make sure thay read it before makeing the mestake of brakeing there setup} (Reword to tidey up) as i guess its unlikey there is going to be an 7.10.1 disk
Due to problems in the live CD in Gusty 7.10 its recommended that the Internet is Unpluged from the PC when doing and upgrade/fresh install as it may fail, before doing upgrades allways make sure you back up your home folder (you should back up to an ext hdd offen any way)
when installing fresh or upgrading when no internet is off you got an error ( but croped {just the error box only} ) once ubuntu has been installed you need to turn the repositories back on (you will need to do this to make sure you get securtiy updates and make Add/Remove work)
Ubuntu users
After install goto System > Admin > software sources
1. Tick all box's apart form source code (do not think norm users need that)
2. Pick your Download From server location (as it picks main server by default click on search if you cant see one for you)
3. Goto updates and tick the first 2 options
4. [Optional] change the auto up date check to [Download all updates in background] (assuming you do not have an hard disk that is very small its an better option so your ready to install when you are ready just means you do not need to have to wait for them to download)
do not recommend auto install with out confirmation as it may not wait for all updates to be install when shutting down the PC, as it make brake your box
Kbuntu users
Cick on the K bottem left > System (Not system setting) > Adept Package Manager > Adept (top left text)> Manage Repositories
then do the same as ubuntu for steps 2 to 4
thats to bad realy, all it seem sit needs an miner update even if its not noted as an .1 rels
as all that needs doing is it Not remove the repositories when it fails thats all do not see the problem in that as it makes problems for new users (brakes add/remove as well)
or Do not download the repositories full stop when installing ubuntu do it after (as when gusty came out all mirrors was hammered with users downloading then Hammered agane when thay install ubuntu on an Active internet connection as it downloads 6/9MB when connected)
you realy should give an Big warning about this when installing Gusty or just tell them to use Festy for now untill Hardy (8.04) is out as this is probly the worst ubuntu rels ever as past ubuntus i have never had problems with allso bundling it with stuff thats is unstable as well (apart from buttons not click-able untill you move your mouse off them and not and still not been able to play Winamp audio streams all the time {streams still an problem})
i should of tested 7.10 alot more as i could of brought this up alot sooner as it was noted more then 2-3 months before that this bug was present
------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- launchpadlibrar 10060723/ apt%20bug% 20live% 20cd%20installe r%207.10% 20all.PNG but croped {just the error box only} ) once ubuntu has been installed you need to turn the repositories back on (you will need to do this to make sure you get securtiy updates and make Add/Remove work)
you need to update the help files any way for gusty {make sure thay read it before makeing the mestake of brakeing there setup} (Reword to tidey up) as i guess its unlikey there is going to be an 7.10.1 disk
Due to problems in the live CD in Gusty 7.10 its recommended that the Internet is Unpluged from the PC when doing and upgrade/fresh install as it may fail, before doing upgrades allways make sure you back up your home folder (you should back up to an ext hdd offen any way)
when installing fresh or upgrading when no internet is off you got an error ( http://
Ubuntu users
After install goto System > Admin > software sources
1. Tick all box's apart form source code (do not think norm users need that)
2. Pick your Download From server location (as it picks main server by default click on search if you cant see one for you)
3. Goto updates and tick the first 2 options
4. [Optional] change the auto up date check to [Download all updates in background] (assuming you do not have an hard disk that is very small its an better option so your ready to install when you are ready just means you do not need to have to wait for them to download)
do not recommend auto install with out confirmation as it may not wait for all updates to be install when shutting down the PC, as it make brake your box
Kbuntu users ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----
Cick on the K bottem left > System (Not system setting) > Adept Package Manager > Adept (top left text)> Manage Repositories
then do the same as ubuntu for steps 2 to 4