[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* Use the target realpath to do the unmounting
* Correctly set the environment needed by snapd in layered
[ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
* get-ppa-fingerprint: use production instance with latest api.
* disk-image-uefi: riscv64 add u-boot spl (LP: #1905274)
* disk-image-uefi: riscv64 add ubuntu:ubuntu login, without expiry.
* rebuild with the correct version of 2.701 changes.
This bug was fixed in the package livecd-rootfs - 2.702
livecd-rootfs (2.702) hirsute; urgency=medium
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* Use the target realpath to do the unmounting
* Correctly set the environment needed by snapd in layered
[ Dimitri John Ledkov ] fingerprint: use production instance with latest api.
* get-ppa-
* disk-image-uefi: riscv64 add u-boot spl (LP: #1905274)
* disk-image-uefi: riscv64 add ubuntu:ubuntu login, without expiry.
* rebuild with the correct version of 2.701 changes.
livecd-rootfs (2.701) hirsute; urgency=medium
[ Cody Shepherd ]
* buildd: Create manifests for buildd tarballs
-- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden> Tue, 24 Nov 2020 18:41:34 +0000