> Unfortunately, TightVNC for Unix/Linux is quite old, it was not updated for years, and I guess it would not be simple to enable Xrender in it.
> So I'd recommend looking at some other VNC-compatible servers for Unix, e.g. TigerVNC or RealVNC's one.
So new vnc server is fastest workaround.
I migrated to TigerVNC but caught https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc/issues/800
Fixed it by adding view-only password with "vncpasswd"
Works fine so far.
Few notes from my research of this problem:
https:/ /bugzilla. xfce.org/ show_bug. cgi?id= 16713
> Actually, the problem is the lack of XRender support in the tightvncserver Xserver.
https:/ /sourceforge. net/p/vnc- tight/mailman/ message/ 28243000/
> Unfortunately, TightVNC for Unix/Linux is quite old, it was not updated for years, and I guess it would not be simple to enable Xrender in it.
> So I'd recommend looking at some other VNC-compatible servers for Unix, e.g. TigerVNC or RealVNC's one.
So new vnc server is fastest workaround. /github. com/TigerVNC/ tigervnc/ issues/ 800
I migrated to TigerVNC but caught https:/
Fixed it by adding view-only password with "vncpasswd"
Works fine so far.