$: cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfce4-notes.gtkrc gtk_color_scheme = "notes_fg_color:#e734ac00d262\nnotes_bg_color:#58f6422f50f3\nnotes_base_color:#e734ac00d262\nnotes_text_color:#58f6422f50f3\nnotes_selected_bg_color:#7a295ae16f29\nnotes_selected_fg_color:#e734ac00d262" include "/usr/share/xfce4-notes-plugin/gtk-2.0/notes.gtkrc"
$: xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/notes -lv /plugins/notes/global/background-color #e734ac00d262 /plugins/notes/global/show-navbar false /plugins/notes/global/skip-taskbar-hint false /plugins/notes/global/tabs-position 1 /plugins/notes/new-window/always-on-top false /plugins/notes/new-window/height 375 /plugins/notes/new-window/sticky false /plugins/notes/new-window/width 300
An additional comment: If I kill the offending xfce4-notes process, and then restart by selecting Notes on the xfce4 menu the excessive CPU usage does not resume.
$: cat ~/.config/ xfce4/xfce4- notes.gtkrc fg_color: #e734ac00d262\ nnotes_ bg_color: #58f6422f50f3\ nnotes_ base_color: #e734ac00d262\ nnotes_ text_color: #58f6422f50f3\ nnotes_ selected_ bg_color: #7a295ae16f29\ nnotes_ selected_ fg_color: #e734ac00d262" xfce4-notes- plugin/ gtk-2.0/ notes.gtkrc"
gtk_color_scheme = "notes_
include "/usr/share/
$: xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/notes -lv notes/global/ background- color #e734ac00d262 notes/global/ show-navbar false notes/global/ skip-taskbar- hint false notes/global/ tabs-position 1 notes/new- window/ always- on-top false notes/new- window/ height 375 notes/new- window/ sticky false notes/new- window/ width 300
An additional comment: If I kill the offending xfce4-notes process, and then restart by selecting Notes on the xfce4 menu the excessive CPU usage does not resume.