Yes, we adopted TLP for factory image on certified machines from Bionic.
And we are adopting TLP to both factory image and stock Ubuntu on certified machines from Focal.
Idealy, we have those machines in SRU pool so that TLP could be tested during every SRU cycle.
For the certified machine, we applied customized TLP configuration [1] with more aggressive setting to gain more powersaving. Of cause, the malfunction driver issue in powersaving also be covered by the same package.
Yes, we adopted TLP for factory image on certified machines from Bionic.
And we are adopting TLP to both factory image and stock Ubuntu on certified machines from Focal.
Idealy, we have those machines in SRU pool so that TLP could be tested during every SRU cycle.
For the certified machine, we applied customized TLP configuration [1] with more aggressive setting to gain more powersaving. Of cause, the malfunction driver issue in powersaving also be covered by the same package.
[1] https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~oem- solutions- engineers/ pc-enablement/ +git/oem- fix-misc- cnl-tlp- estar-conf