Qemu tries to lock the uefi firmware image during vm creation, but the libvirt-supplied apparmor profile prevents this for the AAVMF firmware, and qemu fails with:
qemu-system-arm: Failed to lock byte 100
The solution is adding the "k" flag to the relevant apparmor profile. This is fixed upstream by this commit:
[Filing https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ libvirt/ +bug/1709818/ comments/ 8 as a separate bug report. Thanks J. S. Seldenthuis (jseldent) for reporting it.]
Qemu tries to lock the uefi firmware image during vm creation, but the libvirt-supplied apparmor profile prevents this for the AAVMF firmware, and qemu fails with:
qemu-system-arm: Failed to lock byte 100
The solution is adding the "k" flag to the relevant apparmor profile. This is fixed upstream by this commit:
https:/ /gitlab. com/libvirt/ libvirt/ -/commit/ 2b98d5d91d95087 d8a96d6450fa964 14ed05ba5c
which is already included in the libvirt version in Kinetic.