Backporting libhibernate-validator-java didn't work as expected. While the 4.3.4-1 deb binary from Focal (when it was still devel) works fine, it no longer builds as it depended on jboss-logging 3.3. The newer jboss-logging 3.4 does not provide the same classes and it has too many reverse (build) dependencies to be feasible to downgrade.
Going the other way and updating libsejda-java to rely on libgeronimo-validation-1.1-spec-java requires some new dependencies (see debian bug 942507):
* libel-api-java
* an el-api implementation, usually Glassfish, but it is not yet packaged, thus tomcat9-jasper-el.jar can be used
* libhibernate-validator-java >= 5.3.6-2 (as 5.3.6-1 is missing some runtime dependencies)
The first 2 dependencies come from libhibernate-validator-java 5.3.6, but they are expected to be automatically provided by the Java EE environment and don't show up as actual dependencies. Since pdfsam run Java SE it must provide them.
Backporting libhibernate- validator- java didn't work as expected. While the 4.3.4-1 deb binary from Focal (when it was still devel) works fine, it no longer builds as it depended on jboss-logging 3.3. The newer jboss-logging 3.4 does not provide the same classes and it has too many reverse (build) dependencies to be feasible to downgrade.
Going the other way and updating libsejda-java to rely on libgeronimo- validation- 1.1-spec- java requires some new dependencies (see debian bug 942507): jasper- el.jar can be used validator- java >= 5.3.6-2 (as 5.3.6-1 is missing some runtime dependencies)
* libel-api-java
* an el-api implementation, usually Glassfish, but it is not yet packaged, thus tomcat9-
* libhibernate-
The first 2 dependencies come from libhibernate- validator- java 5.3.6, but they are expected to be automatically provided by the Java EE environment and don't show up as actual dependencies. Since pdfsam run Java SE it must provide them.