I figured that the current latest HAProxy (2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1) for focal has a problem closing connections, even if "connection: close" is being sent, the connection is not closed afterwards. The problem does not exist if "no option http-use-htx" is set (disabling HTX). The problem only affects the HEAD-method.
Using 2.0.20 (2.0.20-1ppa1~focal, https://haproxy.debian.net/) of vbernat's Debian HAProxy repo, this works flawless with and without HTX.
I marked this as security relevant because I believe that this bug can be used for DoS, just like Slowloris, but much easier, because no effort is required to keep the connection open.
Here is a minimal (working with 2.0.20-1ppa1~focal, not working with 2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1) example cfg:
user haproxy
group haproxy
frontend test
bind *:80
mode http
Here is a minimal working example cfg:
user haproxy
group haproxy
frontend test
bind *:80
mode http
no option http-use-htx
Testing can be done multiple ways:
curl will not close the connection:
curl -v -XHEAD
curl will close the connection:
curl -v -I
To exclude any curl related problems:
telnet 80
To summarize:
I expect to happen: Connections get closed proactively by server if "connection: close" header is sent.
This happens: Connections stay open and in CLOSE-WAIT on server.
I figured that the current latest HAProxy (2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1) for focal has a problem closing connections, even if "connection: close" is being sent, the connection is not closed afterwards. The problem does not exist if "no option http-use-htx" is set (disabling HTX). The problem only affects the HEAD-method.
Using 2.0.20 (2.0.20- 1ppa1~focal, https:/ /haproxy. debian. net/) of vbernat's Debian HAProxy repo, this works flawless with and without HTX.
I marked this as security relevant because I believe that this bug can be used for DoS, just like Slowloris, but much easier, because no effort is required to keep the connection open.
Here is a minimal (working with 2.0.20-1ppa1~focal, not working with 2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1) example cfg:
user haproxy
group haproxy
frontend test
bind *:80
mode http
Here is a minimal working example cfg:
user haproxy
group haproxy
frontend test
bind *:80
mode http
no option http-use-htx
Testing can be done multiple ways:
curl will not close the connection: 10.0.0. 1/
curl -v -XHEAD http://
curl will close the connection: 10.0.0. 1/
curl -v -I http://
To exclude any curl related problems:
telnet 80
To summarize:
I expect to happen: Connections get closed proactively by server if "connection: close" header is sent.
This happens: Connections stay open and in CLOSE-WAIT on server.