# git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm.git
# find . -name "gdm-smartcard*" ./data/pam-arch/gdm-smartcard.pam ./data/pam-redhat/gdm-smartcard.pam ./data/pam-exherbo/gdm-smartcard.pam ./data/pam-lfs/gdm-smartcard.pam
It seems like Ubuntu/Debian will have to start by having a 'compatible' PAM stack config.
So far looking upstream, it seems to only be defined for 4 specific distros: - Archlinux - Redhat - Exherbo - Linux From Scratch (LFS)
# git clone https:/ /gitlab. gnome.org/ GNOME/gdm. git
# find . -name "gdm-smartcard*" pam-arch/ gdm-smartcard. pam pam-redhat/ gdm-smartcard. pam pam-exherbo/ gdm-smartcard. pam pam-lfs/ gdm-smartcard. pam
It seems like Ubuntu/Debian will have to start by having a 'compatible' PAM stack config.
So far looking upstream, it seems to only be defined for 4 specific distros:
- Archlinux
- Redhat
- Exherbo
- Linux From Scratch (LFS)