Could you please, check and send/link to the files, that need to be translated into Tajik, so they can be included and Ubuntu in Tajik shown properly among the other languages once Тоҷикӣ is selected.
The file gfxboot-theme-ubuntu looks 100% translated and I will recheck it again for spelling and other issues. Regarding the contents of there are files like *.hlp and * and it looks like they need to be translated - do they come from the Launchpad?
Hi Steve,
Could you please, check and send/link to the files, that need to be translated into Tajik, so they can be included and Ubuntu in Tajik shown properly among the other languages once Тоҷикӣ is selected. theme-ubuntu looks 100% translated and I will recheck it again for spelling and other issues. Regarding the contents of http:// archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ dists/focal/ main/installer- amd64/current/ images/ cdrom/debian- cd_info. tar.gz there are files like *.hlp and * and it looks like they need to be translated - do they come from the Launchpad?
The file gfxboot-
Kind regards,
Victor Ibragimov