I had time to bisect kernel:
# bad: [af7acadc09d232b50ef83011d9c6368c925ef32f] UBUNTU: Ubuntu-5.3.0-40.32 # good: [1ecdc2a4b15cf2032094966a30bc79992968beb2] UBUNTU: Ubuntu-5.3.0-29.31 git bisect start 'Ubuntu-5.3.0-40.32' 'Ubuntu-5.3.0-29.31' # good: [ec8e731b6b8941cd561eb4cd5f987dbf0268edcb] md/raid0: avoid RAID0 data corruption due to layout confusion. git bisect good ec8e731b6b8941cd561eb4cd5f987dbf0268edcb # bad: [fb787b4169ee66faf0a78488476e0398f5e283a1] spi: gpio: prevent memory leak in spi_gpio_probe git bisect bad fb787b4169ee66faf0a78488476e0398f5e283a1 # good: [b9a9d432b09d1100c8fe3982b4a53b9307f03466] x86/mce: Lower throttling MCE messages' priority to warning git bisect good b9a9d432b09d1100c8fe3982b4a53b9307f03466 # bad: [b268b5877901fa69f4a34e94643108c0bb9112e0] tun: fix data-race in gro_normal_list() git bisect bad b268b5877901fa69f4a34e94643108c0bb9112e0 # bad: [67e07f18209160bbabaf112cfefa4454d299949b] perf jevents: Fix resource leak in process_mapfile() and main() git bisect bad 67e07f18209160bbabaf112cfefa4454d299949b # good: [b5c04c65cafa25745356b85ace1c3b80b8ac5d58] s390/mm: add mm_pxd_folded() checks to pxd_free() git bisect good b5c04c65cafa25745356b85ace1c3b80b8ac5d58 # bad: [99226e3d1768352047769426058c6fb922d05c89] media: rcar_drif: fix a memory disclosure git bisect bad 99226e3d1768352047769426058c6fb922d05c89 # bad: [03edfe2eecb66a0b664f344df9478b0179733ba5] iio: dln2-adc: fix iio_triggered_buffer_postenable() position git bisect bad 03edfe2eecb66a0b664f344df9478b0179733ba5 # bad: [2535c05ffda6d344eb4917178a8ecdf7835e87c2] libata: Ensure ata_port probe has completed before detach git bisect bad 2535c05ffda6d344eb4917178a8ecdf7835e87c2 # good: [be64fadc7c51317046112a4b4c9895575343ced3] net: hns3: add struct netdev_queue debug info for TX timeout git bisect good be64fadc7c51317046112a4b4c9895575343ced3 # first bad commit: [2535c05ffda6d344eb4917178a8ecdf7835e87c2] libata: Ensure ata_port probe has completed before detach
It seems that the first bad commit just force ata synchronization. I have no idea how I can test this more for now, but I am available for testing.
I had time to bisect kernel:
# bad: [af7acadc09d232 b50ef83011d9c63 68c925ef32f] UBUNTU: Ubuntu-5.3.0-40.32 032094966a30bc7 9992968beb2] UBUNTU: Ubuntu-5.3.0-29.31 5.3.0-40. 32' 'Ubuntu- 5.3.0-29. 31' cd561eb4cd5f987 dbf0268edcb] md/raid0: avoid RAID0 data corruption due to layout confusion. d561eb4cd5f987d bf0268edcb faf0a78488476e0 398f5e283a1] spi: gpio: prevent memory leak in spi_gpio_probe af0a78488476e03 98f5e283a1 00c8fe3982b4a53 b9307f03466] x86/mce: Lower throttling MCE messages' priority to warning 0c8fe3982b4a53b 9307f03466 69f4a34e9464310 8c0bb9112e0] tun: fix data-race in gro_normal_list() 9f4a34e94643108 c0bb9112e0 bbabaf112cfefa4 454d299949b] perf jevents: Fix resource leak in process_mapfile() and main() babaf112cfefa44 54d299949b 745356b85ace1c3 b80b8ac5d58] s390/mm: add mm_pxd_folded() checks to pxd_free() 45356b85ace1c3b 80b8ac5d58 2047769426058c6 fb922d05c89] media: rcar_drif: fix a memory disclosure 047769426058c6f b922d05c89 0b664f344df9478 b0179733ba5] iio: dln2-adc: fix iio_triggered_ buffer_ postenable( ) position b664f344df9478b 0179733ba5 44eb4917178a8ec df7835e87c2] libata: Ensure ata_port probe has completed before detach 4eb4917178a8ecd f7835e87c2 7046112a4b4c989 5575343ced3] net: hns3: add struct netdev_queue debug info for TX timeout 046112a4b4c9895 575343ced3 44eb4917178a8ec df7835e87c2] libata: Ensure ata_port probe has completed before detach
# good: [1ecdc2a4b15cf2
git bisect start 'Ubuntu-
# good: [ec8e731b6b8941
git bisect good ec8e731b6b8941c
# bad: [fb787b4169ee66
git bisect bad fb787b4169ee66f
# good: [b9a9d432b09d11
git bisect good b9a9d432b09d110
# bad: [b268b5877901fa
git bisect bad b268b5877901fa6
# bad: [67e07f18209160
git bisect bad 67e07f18209160b
# good: [b5c04c65cafa25
git bisect good b5c04c65cafa257
# bad: [99226e3d176835
git bisect bad 99226e3d1768352
# bad: [03edfe2eecb66a
git bisect bad 03edfe2eecb66a0
# bad: [2535c05ffda6d3
git bisect bad 2535c05ffda6d34
# good: [be64fadc7c5131
git bisect good be64fadc7c51317
# first bad commit: [2535c05ffda6d3
It seems that the first bad commit just force ata synchronization. I have no idea how I can test this more for now, but I am available for testing.