* SECURITY UPDATE: cross-site scripting via crafted URL protocols.
(LP: #212211)
- debian/patches/CVE-2008-1502.dpatch: Properly sanitise protocols in
URLs. Patch from upstream.
- References:
+ CVE-2008-1502
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
-- William Grant <email address hidden> Sat, 05 Apr 2008 22:47:05 +1100
This bug was fixed in the package egroupware - 1.2.107- 2.dfsg- 2ubuntu1
--------------- 2.dfsg- 2ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
egroupware (1.2.107-
* SECURITY UPDATE: cross-site scripting via crafted URL protocols. patches/ CVE-2008- 1502.dpatch: Properly sanitise protocols in rField
(LP: #212211)
- debian/
URLs. Patch from upstream.
- References:
+ CVE-2008-1502
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintaine
-- William Grant <email address hidden> Sat, 05 Apr 2008 22:47:05 +1100