It's hard to say which commit(s) fixes the issue, so the fastest way is to bisect locally.
You can still follow the steps [1], but instead of "bad good", use "old new":
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect old v4.16-rc4
$ git bisect new v4.16-rc5
$ make localmodconfig
$ make -j`nproc` deb-pkg
Install the newly built kernel.
If the issue still happens,
$ git bisect old
$ git bisect new
It's hard to say which commit(s) fixes the issue, so the fastest way is to bisect locally.
You can still follow the steps [1], but instead of "bad good", use "old new":
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect old v4.16-rc4
$ git bisect new v4.16-rc5
$ make localmodconfig
$ make -j`nproc` deb-pkg
Install the newly built kernel.
If the issue still happens,
$ git bisect old
$ git bisect new
[1] https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ linux/+ bug/1752772/ comments/ 19