This bug was fixed in the package python-oslo.cache - 1.30.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 ---------------
python-oslo.cache (1.30.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium . * New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive. . python-oslo.cache (1.30.1-0ubuntu1.1) cosmic; urgency=medium . * d/gbp.conf: Create stable/rocky branch. * d/p/fix-memcache-pool-client-in-monkey-patched-environme.patch: Cherry-picked from upstream gerrit review to fix Py3 oslo cache mempool issue ( (LP: #1812935).
This bug was fixed in the package python-oslo.cache - 1.30.1- 0ubuntu1. 1~cloud0
python-oslo.cache (1.30.1- 0ubuntu1. 1~cloud0) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium memcache- pool-client- in-monkey- patched- environme. patch: /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 640500) (LP: #1812935).
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
python-oslo.cache (1.30.1-0ubuntu1.1) cosmic; urgency=medium
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/rocky branch.
* d/p/fix-
Cherry-picked from upstream gerrit review to fix Py3 oslo cache
mempool issue (https:/