git bisect good
de3ef1eb1cd0cc3a75f7a3661e10ed827f370ab8 is the first bad commit
commit de3ef1eb1cd0cc3a75f7a3661e10ed827f370ab8
Author: Rafael J. Wysocki <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Jun 24 01:58:53 2017 +0200
PM / core: Drop run_wake flag from struct dev_pm_info
The run_wake flag in struct dev_pm_info is used to indicate whether
or not the device is capable of generating remote wakeup signals at
run time (or in the system working state), but the distinction
between runtime remote wakeup and system wakeup signaling has always
been rather artificial. The only practical reason for it to exist
at the core level was that ACPI and PCI treated those two cases
differently, but that's not the case any more after recent changes.
For this reason, get rid of the run_wake flag and, when applicable,
use device_set_wakeup_capable() and device_can_wakeup() instead of
device_set_run_wake() and device_run_wake(), respectively.
Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Mika Westerberg <email address hidden>
Acked-by: Bjorn Helgaas <email address hidden>
:040000 040000 b7e983a56143bcad79fcdb47c0af4e26c4c7d7f4 a41d44ab0981a6325dd132c733e00ef8747e175b M Documentation
:040000 040000 9df91d40497710be13ccd56f73f974b087de0037 e14e2b8fc91b14391e62d226b80216a17b51961e M drivers
:040000 040000 6bf369eb0d91309a77ccdb94ec417d62a5716cfd 87d9359a0e260ba93f314ba48b899daeb07f1076 M include
git bisect good a75f7a3661e10ed 827f370ab8 is the first bad commit a75f7a3661e10ed 827f370ab8
commit de3ef1eb1cd0cc3
Author: Rafael J. Wysocki <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Jun 24 01:58:53 2017 +0200
PM / core: Drop run_wake flag from struct dev_pm_info
The run_wake flag in struct dev_pm_info is used to indicate whether
or not the device is capable of generating remote wakeup signals at
run time (or in the system working state), but the distinction
between runtime remote wakeup and system wakeup signaling has always
been rather artificial. The only practical reason for it to exist
at the core level was that ACPI and PCI treated those two cases
differently, but that's not the case any more after recent changes.
For this reason, get rid of the run_wake flag and, when applicable, set_wakeup_ capable( ) and device_can_wakeup() instead of set_run_ wake() and device_run_wake(), respectively.
use device_
Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Mika Westerberg <email address hidden>
Acked-by: Bjorn Helgaas <email address hidden>
:040000 040000 b7e983a56143bca d79fcdb47c0af4e 26c4c7d7f4 a41d44ab0981a63 25dd132c733e00e f8747e175b M Documentation e13ccd56f73f974 b087de0037 e14e2b8fc91b143 91e62d226b80216 a17b51961e M drivers a77ccdb94ec417d 62a5716cfd 87d9359a0e260ba 93f314ba48b899d aeb07f1076 M include
:040000 040000 9df91d40497710b
:040000 040000 6bf369eb0d91309