Comment 0 for bug 1811981

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Po-Hsu Lin (cypressyew) wrote : test_410_config_lock_down_kernel in ubuntu_kernel_security test failed on Bionic with PowerPC

This test has passed on s390x / AMD64 / ARM64 / i386, but failed with Power8 and Power9

FAIL: test_410_config_lock_down_kernel (__main__.KernelSecurityConfigTest)
Ensure kernel efi lockdown is enabled
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 2668, in test_410_config_lock_down_kernel
    self.assertKernelConfig('LOCK_DOWN_KERNEL', expected)
  File "./", line 207, in assertKernelConfig
  File "./", line 194, in assertKernelConfigSet
    '%s option was expected to be set in the kernel config' % name)
AssertionError: LOCK_DOWN_KERNEL option was expected to be set in the kernel config