Someone contacted me and requested the steps for the work around. Sharing here:
First, you need to add the bionic security repository to your apt sources list
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
Add this line:
deb bionic-security main restricted
Update packages
$ sudo apt-get update
Then you need to downgrade libcurl3-gnutls:
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls=7.58.0*
As security packages are updated automatically by Ubuntu on a daily basis, you'll need to re-run this last command to downgrade libcurl3-gnutls every morning.
Someone contacted me and requested the steps for the work around. Sharing here:
First, you need to add the bionic security repository to your apt sources list sources. list security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ bionic-security main restricted
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/
Add this line:
deb http://
Update packages
$ sudo apt-get update
Then you need to downgrade libcurl3-gnutls: gnutls= 7.58.0*
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl3-
As security packages are updated automatically by Ubuntu on a daily basis, you'll need to re-run this last command to downgrade libcurl3-gnutls every morning.