good idea in theory, but I want to add my 2cents: Please coordinate this update with ALL affected packages, like apache2 and nginx.
My reason is:
I just tried the PPA and found that nginx works with TLS 1.3 after that right out of the box.
HOWEVER, there is a problem: openssl 1.1.1 has changed the way the cipher suites are configured - the ones for TLS 1.3 are configured separately, see here:
and cannot be changed - it took me hours to find that out since the Nginx 1.15 documentation does not tell you that the TLS 1.3 ciphers cannot be changed by ssl_ciphers, but are silently ignored.
The default set and order of ciphersuites may suit your needs or not - matter-of-fact it makes my SSLLabs score worse because of the AES128 cipher used. I have tried to apply othe defaults in /etc/ssl/openssl.conf but they do not seem to work for nginx. Neither could I just disable TLS 1.3 in order to restore the old behaviour other than to restore OpenSSL 1.1.0 by using "ppa-purge ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/3473".
good idea in theory, but I want to add my 2cents: Please coordinate this update with ALL affected packages, like apache2 and nginx.
My reason is:
I just tried the PPA and found that nginx works with TLS 1.3 after that right out of the box.
HOWEVER, there is a problem: openssl 1.1.1 has changed the way the cipher suites are configured - the ones for TLS 1.3 are configured separately, see here:
https:/ /github. com/openssl/ openssl/ commit/ f865b08143b4539 62ad4afccd69e69 8d13c60f77
Nginx on the other hand has chosen to not support that new configuration at all, see:
https:/ /trac.nginx. org/nginx/ ticket/ 1529
That means that the predefined order of TLS 1.3 is:
TLS_AES_ 256_GCM_ SHA384: TLS_CHACHA20_ POLY1305_ SHA256: TLS_AES_ 128_GCM_ SHA256
and cannot be changed - it took me hours to find that out since the Nginx 1.15 documentation does not tell you that the TLS 1.3 ciphers cannot be changed by ssl_ciphers, but are silently ignored.
The default set and order of ciphersuites may suit your needs or not - matter-of-fact it makes my SSLLabs score worse because of the AES128 cipher used. I have tried to apply othe defaults in /etc/ssl/ openssl. conf but they do not seem to work for nginx. Neither could I just disable TLS 1.3 in order to restore the old behaviour other than to restore OpenSSL 1.1.0 by using "ppa-purge ppa:ci- train-ppa- service/ 3473".
King regards,