This bug was fixed in the package nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 - 390.48-0ubuntu4
--------------- nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (390.48-0ubuntu4) cosmic; urgency=medium
[ Alberto Milone ] * debian/templates/nvidia-kernel-common-flavour.{install|maintscript}.in: - Install the modprobe file in /lib (LP: #1761593).
[ Graham Inggs ] * debian/create-uvm-dev-node: - Create the /dev/nvidia-uvm-tools device node (LP: #1767777).
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Tue, 15 May 2018 12:42:43 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package nvidia- graphics- drivers- 390 - 390.48-0ubuntu4
--------------- graphics- drivers- 390 (390.48-0ubuntu4) cosmic; urgency=medium
[ Alberto Milone ] templates/ nvidia- kernel- common- flavour. {install| maintscript} .in:
* debian/
- Install the modprobe file in /lib (LP: #1761593).
[ Graham Inggs ] create- uvm-dev- node: uvm-tools device node (LP: #1767777).
* debian/
- Create the /dev/nvidia-
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Tue, 15 May 2018 12:42:43 +0200