Our internal DGX cluster has run into a few ceph client related issues, which were root caused to be resolved by the following commits: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-client/commit/f42a774a2123e6b29bb0ca296e166d0f089e9113 https://github.com/ceph/ceph-client/commit/093ea205acd4b047cf5aacabc0c6ffecf198d2a9 Can you please backport these into bionic?
3e1d0452edcee ceph: avoid iput_final() while holding mutex or in dispatch thread 1cf89a8dee5e6 ceph: single workqueue for inode related works
Our internal DGX cluster has run into a few ceph client related issues, which were root caused to be resolved by the following commits: /github. com/ceph/ ceph-client/ commit/ f42a774a2123e6b 29bb0ca296e166d 0f089e9113 /github. com/ceph/ ceph-client/ commit/ 093ea205acd4b04 7cf5aacabc0c6ff ecf198d2a9
Can you please backport these into bionic?
3e1d0452edcee ceph: avoid iput_final() while holding mutex or in dispatch thread
1cf89a8dee5e6 ceph: single workqueue for inode related works