Kirill, would it be possible to run again your experiments, but using bbr congestion control ?
Note that you should use 4.13-rc1 so that following commit is included :
commit 218af599fa635b107cfe10acf3249c4dfe5e4123 ("tcp: internal implementation for pacing")
Kirill, would it be possible to run again your experiments, but using bbr congestion control ?
Note that you should use 4.13-rc1 so that following commit is included : 07cfe10acf3249c 4dfe5e4123 ("tcp: internal implementation for pacing")
commit 218af599fa635b1
lpaa5:~# modprobe tcp_bbr net/ipv4/ tcp_available_ congestion_ control net/ipv4/ tcp_congestion_ control sys/net/ ipv4/tcp_ congestion_ control net/ipv4/ tcp_congestion_ control
lpaa5:~# cat /proc/sys/
cubic reno bbr
lpaa5:~# cat /proc/sys/
lpaa5:~# echo bbr >/proc/
lpaa5:~# cat /proc/sys/
<run your iperf tests>