Comment 25 for bug 1745032

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package gnome-shell - 3.30.2-2ubuntu1

gnome-shell (3.30.2-2ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium

  * Merge with debian, remaining changes:
    + Replace gnome-backgrounds dep with ubuntu-wallpapers and Suggests
      gnome-themes-standard-data, gnome-backgrounds
    + Add some Recommends:
      - ubuntu-session (| gnome-session) to have the ubuntu session available
      - xserver-xorg-legacy
      - yaru-theme-gnome-shell for the default ubuntu theming
    + Update debian/gbp.conf with Ubuntu settings
    + gnome-shell-common.install: Install Ubuntu mode
    + gnome-shell-common.prerm: Remove deprecated ubuntu theme alternative
    + ubuntu/desktop_detect.patch:
      - add caching for desktop detection to avoid querying the current
        desktop env variable as iterate through the list each time. For the
        time of the Shell process, we can expect this env variable to stay
    + ubuntu/smarter_alt_tab.patch:
      - quick alt-tab (without showing up the switcher) switch only between
        the last window of the last 2 applications to be focused instead of
        raising all windows of those apps.
    + ubuntu/lightdm-user-switching.patch:
      - Allow user switching when using LightDM.
    + ubuntu/lock_on_suspend.patch
      - Respect Ubuntu's lock-on-suspend setting.
    + ubuntu/gdm.patch
      - as gdm is system-wide and not session-wide, ensure gdm has an ubuntu
        styling by default, not impacting the gnome user session though.
    + ubuntu/background_login.patch
      - Change default background color as we modified the default GDM color
        for our ubuntu session. Change it as well here, still applying the
        background noise loading.
    + ubuntu/gdm_alternatives.patch
      - Add support for GDM3 theme alternatives
    + ubuntu/block_mode_extension_update.patch
      - Don't allow ubuntu mode extension to update
    + optional-hot-corner.patch
      - enable patch proposed by upstream developer already in package (but
        not in series) to add a settings for optional hot corner activation.
    + volume-Add-back-sound-feedback-on-scroll.patch
      - Fix regression causing missing feedback on volume slider scroll
    + st-texture-cache-Cancel-sliced-image-loading-on-target-ac.patch
      - Fix possible crash on cache loading
    + main-show-an-error-message-on-gnome-shell-crash.patch,
      - Improve debug JS tracing for crash reports
    + st-scroll-view-Handle-the-case-where-scrollbars-are-NULL.patch,
      - Fix crash on theme changes
    + ubuntu/search-call-XUbuntuCancel-method-on-providers-when-no-dat.patch:
      - stop searches when requested from UI
    + keyboard-Do-not-call-KeyboardManager.holdKeyboard-with-se.patch:
      - Cherry-pick upstream commit to prevent focus stealing on password fields
        in firefox when ibus is used
    + debian/patches/ubuntu/background_login.patch:
      - match Yaru theme in the ubuntu session instead of our previous GDM
    + debian/patches/ubuntu/resolve_alternate_theme_path.patch:
      - ensure we resolve finale theme file path to correctly load assets
        under gdm
    + debian/patches/st-button-Ignore-pointer-emulated-touch-events.patch:
      - Don't emit two click events on touch under X11
    + debian/rules:
      - Run dh_translations and work around an issue with Rosetta and plural
    + Add desktop-icons to the Ubuntu session by default
    + Break nautilus << 3.30. We don't want two things trying to handle the

gnome-shell (3.30.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * d/p/power-Label-the-PENDING_CHARGE-state-as-Not-Charging.patch:
    - Label the PENDING_CHARGE state as "Not Charging" (LP: #1745032)
  * d/p/ibusManager-Don-t-pass-undefined-callback-to-ibus.patch:
    - Fix missing icon in keyboard indicator (LP: #1812266)

 -- Iain Lane <email address hidden> Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:24:52 +0000