------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-10 09:49 EDT------- The fix for this has been accepted and is in linux-next commit 62e62ffd95539b9220894a7900a619e0f3ef4756.
Please backport into Ubuntu 16.04. I have run this patch in Ubuntu and confirmed that it fixes the issue we see.
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-10 09:49 EDT------- 220894a7900a619 e0f3ef4756.
The fix for this has been accepted and is in linux-next commit 62e62ffd95539b9
https:/ /kernel. googlesource. com/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/next/ linux-next/ +/62e62ffd95539 b9220894a7900a6 19e0f3ef4756% 5E%21/# F0
Please backport into Ubuntu 16.04. I have run this patch in Ubuntu and confirmed that it fixes the issue we see.