== Comment: #0 - Ilya Leoshkevich <email address hidden> - 2022-09-21 05:02:24 == inflate() does not update strm.adler if DFLTCC is used.
Found with a JDK test.
zlib-ng PR: https://github.com/zlib-ng/zlib-ng/pull/1349
Updated zlib PR: https://github.com/madler/zlib/pull/410
zlib tag: https://github.com/iii-i/zlib/releases/tag/dfltcc-20220920
zlib diff: https://github.com/madler/zlib/compare/e6aed68ff815be74855ec6a19d6ae35065a4adb4..171d0ff3c9ed40da0ac14085ab16b766b1162069#diff-325baa03829572a9f26b4bb8b3cada1ddc637854529d6a6cb111b8c3ca785620
Ubuntu 20.04 and later need to be fixed.
== Comment: #0 - Ilya Leoshkevich <email address hidden> - 2022-09-21 05:02:24 ==
inflate() does not update strm.adler if DFLTCC is used.
Found with a JDK test.
zlib-ng PR: https:/ /github. com/zlib- ng/zlib- ng/pull/ 1349
Updated zlib PR: https:/ /github. com/madler/ zlib/pull/ 410
zlib tag: https:/ /github. com/iii- i/zlib/ releases/ tag/dfltcc- 20220920
zlib diff: https:/ /github. com/madler/ zlib/compare/ e6aed68ff815be7 4855ec6a19d6ae3 5065a4adb4. .171d0ff3c9ed40 da0ac14085ab16b 766b1162069# diff-325baa0382 9572a9f26b4bb8b 3cada1ddc637854 529d6a6cb111b8c 3ca785620
Ubuntu 20.04 and later need to be fixed.