* focal users will gain the addition and refinement of more mimetype-icons, scalable-icons, devices-icons that were previously not present
* will make it consistent with the icons present in gtk-common-themes snap
* Backporting them to focal would greatly increase the differentiation of the file types that are existent for the average user
[Test Case]
* open files and have a look at archive-based files (ex: gzip,7z), virtual-box based files, dart, docker files, some files use generic mimetype-icons and some scalable icons are not consistent and missing
* install yaru from ubuntu/groovy branch and github and open files again to see the refinement to the already existing mimetype and inclusion of more mimetype-icons and scalable icons
* will be followed with changes made to ubuntu/focal branch on github
* focal users will gain the addition and refinement of more mimetype-icons, scalable-icons, devices-icons that were previously not present
* will make it consistent with the icons present in gtk-common-themes snap
* Backporting them to focal would greatly increase the differentiation of the file types that are existent for the average user
[Test Case]
* open files and have a look at archive-based files (ex: gzip,7z), virtual-box based files, dart, docker files, some files use generic mimetype-icons and some scalable icons are not consistent and missing
* install yaru from ubuntu/groovy branch and github and open files again to see the refinement to the already existing mimetype and inclusion of more mimetype-icons and scalable icons
* will be followed with changes made to ubuntu/focal branch on github