Typing error in version numbers

Bug #357369 reported by Epirotes
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

Binary package hint: xubuntu-docs

While translating xubuntu-docs, I ran into a typo regarding versions (9.10 instead of 9.04). The related page is: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/xubuntu-docs/+pots/about-xubuntu/el/+translate?show=untranslated&start=20

bottom of that page, item no. 43:

"For example, users of version 8.04 would first have to upgrade to version 8.10 before upgrading to version 9.10." Should be - and I corrected this in my translation proposal: ".... upgrading to version 9.04."

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → david.cordero
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
David Cordero (david.cordero) wrote :

debdiff attached fix this bug

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Confirmed
Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
importance: Undecided → Low
Revision history for this message
Jim Campbell (jwcampbell) wrote :

Thank you for the bug report, Epirotes. I've pushed up a fix to this in Xubuntu 9.04 revision #198.

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Cody A.W. Somerville (cody-somerville) wrote :

Jim says that he has committed your fix to bzr. I'll see about uploading.

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
assignee: David Cordero (david.cordero) → nobody
Revision history for this message
Matthew East (mdke) wrote :

That change constitutes a string change. It's *very* unorthodox to do such a string change just a few days before final release, in particular without giving the translators a change to see and translate the new string.

I suppose that if translations are not going to be shipped with xubuntu-docs for Jaunty then the translators could be notified of the change after the release and translations could then be updated; but it's still very odd to make a change like this in the release week.

Revision history for this message
Jim Campbell (jwcampbell) wrote : Re: [Bug 357369] Re: Typing error in version numbers


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Matthew East <email address hidden>wrote:

> That change constitutes a string change. It's *very* unorthodox to do
> such a string change just a few days before final release, in particular
> without giving the translators a change to see and translate the new
> string.
> I suppose that if translations are not going to be shipped with xubuntu-
> docs for Jaunty then the translators could be notified of the change
> after the release and translations could then be updated; but it's still
> very odd to make a change like this in the release week.

I guess Cody was receiving a good deal of noise about this not being fixed
in Jaunty, so that's the main reason why I pushed this change up to the
Jaunty branch. With all of the other bugs that I've been getting in the past
week, I've just been thanking the person who reported the bug, and letting
them know it would be fixed in the 9.10 release.

Also, with this particular bug report (which came from a translator), the
person indicated that they had already made the correction in their
translated string. Of course, not all translators may have made such an

In short, though, I wouldn't have pushed this up to Jaunty without the
initial prompting, and without feeling that not fixing the bug could lead to
a fair amount of confusion for users.

Next time I'll bring something like this up on the mailing list before
pushing it through, at such a point in time though. If you or anyone else
feels that the change should be reverted at this point (or at least not
pushed out with the shipped release), let me know.

Thanks, all.


Revision history for this message
Matthew East (mdke) wrote :

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Jim Campbell <email address hidden> wrote:
> Also, with this particular bug report (which came from a translator), the
> person indicated that they had already made the correction in their
> translated string. Of course, not all translators may have made such an
> adjustment.

But that doesn't matter, because the fact that the English string has
changed will mean that this string will make all translations of this
string appear in English, regardless of whether the previous string
was translated or not.

That's why we have a string freeze...

> In short, though, I wouldn't have pushed this up to Jaunty without the
> initial prompting, and without feeling that not fixing the bug could lead to
> a fair amount of confusion for users.

I understand, but after the string freeze, a system needs to take
place to permit translators to supply translations of the amended
string. There may always be serious bugs that require fixing, but
there isn't time for the fix to be translated, and therefore the fix
should only be done as part of a StableReleaseUpdate after the
release, giving time for translation as part of that process.

This is all irrelevant if xubuntu-docs will not ship with
translations, of course.

> Next time I'll bring something like this up on the mailing list before
> pushing it through, at such a point in time though. If you or anyone else
> feels that the change should be reverted at this point (or at least not
> pushed out with the shipped release), let me know.

If translations are intended to be released with xubuntu-docs, the
proper process should be followed and the change should be reverted.
If not, and the release managers for Xubuntu are happy to let in a
string change 3 days before the release, then I'm certainly not going
to stand in the way of that.

However in the future I'd really like to see xubuntu-docs following
the same procedures as ubuntu-docs and kubuntu-docs, even though the
package is not in the main repository. We may need to work on
documentation for the procedure.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

Revision history for this message
Jim Campbell (jwcampbell) wrote :

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Matthew East <email address hidden>wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Jim Campbell <email address hidden>
> wrote:
> > Also, with this particular bug report (which came from a translator), the
> > person indicated that they had already made the correction in their
> > translated string. Of course, not all translators may have made such an
> > adjustment.
> But that doesn't matter, because the fact that the English string has
> changed will mean that this string will make all translations of this
> string appear in English, regardless of whether the previous string
> was translated or not.

I didn't realize that this would create breakage in this way. I suppose that
even though I've only changed the number, the entire string would also be
changed. I'll revert the change when I return home this evening.

> This is all irrelevant if xubuntu-docs will not ship with
> translations, of course.

We are going to need to ship the translations as a Stable Release Update.

> However in the future I'd really like to see xubuntu-docs following
> the same procedures as ubuntu-docs and kubuntu-docs, even though the
> package is not in the main repository. We may need to work on
> documentation for the procedure.

I totally agree. And documenting the procedures would be very helpful.


Revision history for this message
Matthew East (mdke) wrote :

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Jim Campbell <email address hidden> wrote:
> We are going to need to ship the translations as a Stable Release
> Update.

In that case, no need to revert the change. We can send the new string
to Launchpad for translation, and update the translations from
Launchpad before doing te SRU.

I'll help with getting the package ready for translations after the release.

Whether you want to push a new version of xubuntu-docs with this
change prior to release is a question for the release team, I suppose.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package xubuntu-docs - 9.10.2

xubuntu-docs (9.10.2) maverick; urgency=low

  [ Josh Holland ]
  * s/Enerprise/Enterprise/ in desktop-guide/internet/C/nm.xml (LP: #363365)

  [ Benjamin Drung ]
  * desktop-guide/internet/C/connecting.xml: Fix typo concfigured -> configured;
    thanks to Pierre Slamich (LP: #386683).
  * desktop-guide/about-xubuntu/C/about-xubuntu.xml: Fix version numbers; thanks
    to Epirotes (LP: #357369).
  * desktop-guide/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: Fix menu item
    location; thanks to Robert Wall for the patch (LP: #422500).
  * debian/control:
    - Bump standards version to 3.8.4.
    - Wrap and sort Build-Depends.
  * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (native) format.
 -- Benjamin Drung <email address hidden> Sun, 16 May 2010 00:57:02 +0200

Changed in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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