Jevon's method works for me as well (jaunty & karmic). However I wonder if xtide is past it's time; I've found online data easier to use (particularly the ability to copy & paste). Example:
Current: <>
Tide: <>
Jevon's method works for me as well (jaunty & karmic). However I wonder if xtide is past it's time; I've found online data easier to use (particularly the ability to copy & paste). Example:
http:// tbone.biol. tide/index. html
Current: tbone.biol. tide/tideshow. cgi?site= Golden+ Gate+Bridge+ .8+mi+E+ .%2C+San+ Francisco+ Bay%2C+ California+ Current>
Tide: tbone.biol. tide/tideshow. cgi?site= Alcatraz+ Island% 2C+San+ Francisco+ Bay%2C+ California& units=f>