running Ubuntu 20.04.2, kernel 5.8.0-44-generic
selected Synaptic --> Setting --> Repositories --> DeveloperOptions --> Prereleased(focal proposed)
installed xtables-addon-dkms v. 3.9-1ubuntu0.2-20.04.1
which compiled and installed succesfully
Tested bu running:
"iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m geoip --source-country CN -j TARPIT --tarpit"
(which succeed, with no errors - and had previously failed.)
running Ubuntu 20.04.2, kernel 5.8.0-44-generic 2-20.04. 1
selected Synaptic --> Setting --> Repositories --> DeveloperOptions --> Prereleased(focal proposed)
installed xtables-addon-dkms v. 3.9-1ubuntu0.
which compiled and installed succesfully
Tested bu running:
"iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m geoip --source-country CN -j TARPIT --tarpit"
(which succeed, with no errors - and had previously failed.)
Thanks to all who contributed!!