The relevant part I've found in the dmesg is what is shown on the screen during the boot process :
[ 12.067723] [drm:drm_fill_in_dev] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module.
[ 12.067843] [drm:intelfb_restore] *ERROR* Failed to restore crtc configuration: -22
[ 12.067939] DRM: Fill_in_dev failed.
The session works correctly then, though compiz can't be activated, and every graphic related thing (even moving a window) seems very slow.
The relevant part I've found in the dmesg is what is shown on the screen during the boot process : fill_in_ dev] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module. restore] *ERROR* Failed to restore crtc configuration: -22
[ 12.067723] [drm:drm_
[ 12.067843] [drm:intelfb_
[ 12.067939] DRM: Fill_in_dev failed.
The session works correctly then, though compiz can't be activated, and every graphic related thing (even moving a window) seems very slow.