[ Timo Aaltonen ]
* Add some patches from git master which fix a number of important
bugs. Also add a new patch (10) which has not yet been merged
[ Tormod Volden ]
* debian/patches/02_mode_code_cleanup.diff:
- Prerequisite for patch 03.
"RADEON: more clean up of mode code"
(fd.o commit 21593d04d222b05dbba9abd31eaa3bfb91d999b6)
* debian/patches/03_LVDS_mode_validation.diff:
- Prerequisite for patch 07.
"RADEON: more work on LVDS mode validation and fixups"
(fd.o commit 99ceaefa18c6e07b55106cca0ea8996fa73667be)
* debian/patches/04_remove_cruft.diff
- Removes two unused functions.
"RADEON: remove cruft"
(fd.o commit dcc376e2d2a13329dd03f1bc4b471329757a6f5f)
* debian/patches/05_ext_tdms_table.diff
- Prerequisite for patch 09.
"RADEON: add support for ext tmds table and ext tmds chip init"
(fd.o commit 22519fde1e002f28d6036d448fcd18452d00f1bb)
* debian/patches/06_initdispbandwidth.diff:
"RADEON: fix RADEONInitDispBandwidth() on single crtc cards"
(LP: #86072, #144011)
(fd.o commit 0ca184c3c35032df39ea7ce5d2d4aba1a97b6426)
* debian/patches/07_sort_out_LVDS_modes.diff:
- Prerequisite for patch 09.
"RADEON: Finally sort out LVDS modes"
(fd.o commit cc0c2d8e61600652b1f9cb3dc49db2ef62b1e40d)
* debian/patches/08_disable_dri_rc410.diff:
"rc410: disable DRI by default due to it not working"
(LP: #144297)
(fd.o commit d808781d48adf01e80b5bb476bae2d2f599030f1)
* debian/patches/09_mode_and_output_fixes.diff:
"RADEON: final fix for RMX/LVDS"
(LP: #132716)
(fd.o commit 597dffce9bdc200003d0be880235258386a0bdd7)
"RADEON: minor fixes for external TMDS"
(fd.o commit bfede412b3a3cd11769a580b167c528734146096)
"RADEON: remove RADEONSaveMode()"
(fd.o commit 5f5c4e6ad61c45c24f1443b91b4bc5375efdebc0)
"RADEON: more fixes for single crtc chips"
(fd.o commit b6bda79f72df5e5bf9c6b71fa3298e765da506bd)
"RADEON: remove some cruft"
(fd.o commit 3a958ba136c3fae5a4ddd56373ac7cd47046f10e)
* debian/patches/10_disable_dri_rs485.diff
- disable DRI on RS485 (the driver mistakenly lists it as RS482)
(LP: #139241)
-- Timo Aaltonen <email address hidden> Sat, 6 Oct 2007 01:52:08 +0300
xserver- xorg-video- ati (1:6.7. 194-1ubuntu2) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Timo Aaltonen ]
* Add some patches from git master which fix a number of important
bugs. Also add a new patch (10) which has not yet been merged
[ Tormod Volden ] patches/ 02_mode_ code_cleanup. diff: dbba9abd31eaa3b fb91d999b6) patches/ 03_LVDS_ mode_validation .diff: b55106cca0ea899 6fa73667be) patches/ 04_remove_ cruft.diff 9dd03f1bc4b4713 29757a6f5f) patches/ 05_ext_ tdms_table. diff 8d6036d448fcd18 452d00f1bb) patches/ 06_initdispband width.diff: andwidth( ) on single crtc cards" f39ea7ce5d2d4ab a1a97b6426) patches/ 07_sort_ out_LVDS_ modes.diff: 2b1f9cb3dc49db2 ef62b1e40d) patches/ 08_disable_ dri_rc410. diff: e80b5bb476bae2d 2f599030f1) patches/ 09_mode_ and_output_ fixes.diff: 003d0be88023525 8386a0bdd7) 1769a580b167c52 8734146096) 24f1443b91b4bc5 375efdebc0) bf9c6b71fa3298e 765da506bd) 5a4ddd56373ac7c d47046f10e) patches/ 10_disable_ dri_rs485. diff
* debian/
- Prerequisite for patch 03.
"RADEON: more clean up of mode code"
(fd.o commit 21593d04d222b05
* debian/
- Prerequisite for patch 07.
"RADEON: more work on LVDS mode validation and fixups"
(fd.o commit 99ceaefa18c6e07
* debian/
- Removes two unused functions.
"RADEON: remove cruft"
(fd.o commit dcc376e2d2a1332
* debian/
- Prerequisite for patch 09.
"RADEON: add support for ext tmds table and ext tmds chip init"
(fd.o commit 22519fde1e002f2
* debian/
(LP: #86072, #144011)
(fd.o commit 0ca184c3c35032d
* debian/
- Prerequisite for patch 09.
"RADEON: Finally sort out LVDS modes"
(fd.o commit cc0c2d8e6160065
* debian/
"rc410: disable DRI by default due to it not working"
(LP: #144297)
(fd.o commit d808781d48adf01
* debian/
"RADEON: final fix for RMX/LVDS"
(LP: #132716)
(fd.o commit 597dffce9bdc200
"RADEON: minor fixes for external TMDS"
(fd.o commit bfede412b3a3cd1
"RADEON: remove RADEONSaveMode()"
(fd.o commit 5f5c4e6ad61c45c
"RADEON: more fixes for single crtc chips"
(fd.o commit b6bda79f72df5e5
"RADEON: remove some cruft"
(fd.o commit 3a958ba136c3fae
* debian/
- disable DRI on RS485 (the driver mistakenly lists it as RS482)
(LP: #139241)
-- Timo Aaltonen <email address hidden> Sat, 6 Oct 2007 01:52:08 +0300