Oh my.. I just replaced that validate_nice_value() function with a one-liner using /usr/bin/test.
Works for me on Feisty (server install, but eg. java and gd requires x11-common).
The attached patch can also be found at https://no.spoon.fi/~jvtm/patches/ubuntu/ubuntu-feisty-x11-common.config-validate_nice_value-fix.diff
Oh my.. I just replaced that validate_ nice_value( ) function with a one-liner using /usr/bin/test.
Works for me on Feisty (server install, but eg. java and gd requires x11-common).
The attached patch can also be found at https:/ /no.spoon. fi/~jvtm/ patches/ ubuntu/ ubuntu- feisty- x11-common. config- validate_ nice_value- fix.diff