CoudCoud, please do not apport-collect to another person's report. Instead, so your hardware and problem may be tracked, could you please file a new report by executing the following in a terminal:
ubuntu-bug xorg
Please ensure you have xdiagnose installed, and that you click the Yes button for attaching additional debugging information.
CoudCoud, please do not apport-collect to another person's report. Instead, so your hardware and problem may be tracked, could you please file a new report by executing the following in a terminal:
ubuntu-bug xorg
Please ensure you have xdiagnose installed, and that you click the Yes button for attaching additional debugging information.
For more on this, please see the official Ubuntu documentation: /wiki.ubuntu. com/Bugs/ BestPractices# X.2BAC8- Reporting. Focus_on_ One_Issue /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# Bug_reporting_ etiquette
Ubuntu X.Org Team, Ubuntu Bug Control, and Ubuntu Bug Squad: https:/
Ubuntu Community: https:/
When opening up the new report, please feel free to subscribe me to it.
Please note, not filing a new report will delay your problem being addressed as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your understanding.