backport the patches from doesn't help.
* d5016e5b61f96496f9b31d14eae16f5f0148b748 (HEAD -> backport-7-patches-from-Łukasz-sync_present_to_slave_outputs) Remove unused function ms_covering_xf86_crtc() * d892481c2a3d67462f6d2c0d762c43b63cdcd45c xserver/output: rename some badly named variables/APIs. * 1fb0dc09a60e97306088d75fefeed17a39e622ea (master) modesetting: Remove few common functions from ms namespace * a1f28e05d602f5cde825111ca0654311c2aba73b modesetting: remove unnecessary ms_covering_xf86_crtc dup of ms_covering_randr_crtc * d1b3204d1f1357426864c5125bf2ff8b84827d23 modesetting: Find crtc on secondary outputs as fallback instead of returning primary crtc * 028688ba6dc50fbc6430812c608f69912e4196d4 randr: Fix link errors after previous commit * 327441e28fa50fef18c0d15f377e61479fa956a4 present: fix msc offset calculation in screen mode * 8477111ac5e3dee4066efc689d4507fa1b245900 present: Use crtc's screen present operation for syncing * c271560a66d1d0a36dd7b784e75822ee00acc216 modesetting: Initialize present extension despite glamor is disabled * 9f5b6b400462dd5b979c40361c4fcb35d08f9dd1 apt source xserver-xorg-core
backport the patches from https:/ /gitlab. freedesktop. org/xorg/ xserver/ -/merge_ requests/ 460 doesn't help.
* d5016e5b61f9649 6f9b31d14eae16f 5f0148b748 (HEAD -> backport- 7-patches- from-Łukasz- sync_present_ to_slave_ outputs) Remove unused function ms_covering_ xf86_crtc( ) 62f6d2c0d762c43 b63cdcd45c xserver/output: rename some badly named variables/APIs. 06088d75fefeed1 7a39e622ea (master) modesetting: Remove few common functions from ms namespace de825111ca06543 11c2aba73b modesetting: remove unnecessary ms_covering_ xf86_crtc dup of ms_covering_ randr_crtc 26864c5125bf2ff 8b84827d23 modesetting: Find crtc on secondary outputs as fallback instead of returning primary crtc c6430812c608f69 912e4196d4 randr: Fix link errors after previous commit f18c0d15f377e61 479fa956a4 present: fix msc offset calculation in screen mode 4066efc689d4507 fa1b245900 present: Use crtc's screen present operation for syncing 36dd7b784e75822 ee00acc216 modesetting: Initialize present extension despite glamor is disabled b979c40361c4fcb 35d08f9dd1 apt source xserver-xorg-core
* d892481c2a3d674
* 1fb0dc09a60e973
* a1f28e05d602f5c
* d1b3204d1f13574
* 028688ba6dc50fb
* 327441e28fa50fe
* 8477111ac5e3dee
* c271560a66d1d0a
* 9f5b6b400462dd5