It will output a list of key-value pairs, search the key: 'VertScrollDelta' and check its value.
If its e.g. 56, set then it to -56 with the following command:
$ synclient VertScrollDelta=-56
If you want to do the same with the horizontal scroll, search instead for the key: 'HorizScrollDelta' and invert it in the same way as you did before
I have found a workaround that seems to solve the issue in Xenial 16.04. /forums. linuxmint. com/viewtopic. php?f=90& t=233135& p=1236836& sid=394bf7ad96c 3ba102949bac4dd 404a1a
Credit goes to: https:/
In short, run in a terminal:
$ synclient
It will output a list of key-value pairs, search the key: 'VertScrollDelta' and check its value.
If its e.g. 56, set then it to -56 with the following command:
$ synclient VertScrollDelta=-56
If you want to do the same with the horizontal scroll, search instead for the key: 'HorizScrollDelta' and invert it in the same way as you did before