The bug I experienced had a different effect than what reported above.
The current XEN in Ubuntu 22.04 can boot a modern linux kernel (such as 5.15.0-46-generic) even w/o the ZSTD support. I believe that, at boot time, the kernel does self-decompress (that's what it has to do anyway, even when not using XEN...). So Dom0 was running fine.
What was happening to me was that afterwards it could not start containers: `xl create` would fail with the error «xg_dom_bzimageloader.c:619: xc_try_zstd_decode: ZSTD decompress support unavailable»
The error disappeared after ZSTD decompressione was available in the XEN tools.
I add a comment.
The bug I experienced had a different effect than what reported above.
The current XEN in Ubuntu 22.04 can boot a modern linux kernel (such as 5.15.0-46-generic) even w/o the ZSTD support. I believe that, at boot time, the kernel does self-decompress (that's what it has to do anyway, even when not using XEN...). So Dom0 was running fine.
What was happening to me was that afterwards it could not start containers: `xl create` would fail with the error «xg_dom_ bzimageloader. c:619: xc_try_zstd_decode: ZSTD decompress support unavailable»
The error disappeared after ZSTD decompressione was available in the XEN tools.