Just some minutes ago I tried to add a ComMent here, b'cause I think, I'm hav'ing Trouble with the SaMe PROB.lem for the last two days (and partly the K)night'S as well ;-> ) ) ) -->_
But now I'm Tired and make it Short:
I Think, 'ThaT I pinned the problem down to be somewhere in a script in connection with the xemule21-(no)?)mule? ->PackAge.
My best guess now is, that it has to do SomeThing with a function Getting the Wrong Number(i.e. =3) of arguments!
But that's enough for now: I only cross-read this bug and was too happy to find at least some recent report, with any resembly to actual problem, that I don't want to go into to much Deatail this Night!
-> Now I've to Go To Bed!
Good K)Nai8'T All!
PS: I ho'Pe I'Ll SeE You ToMoRroW!?!!! ! . . . ł … … … ;)
But first->_
Hi All.ToGeThR,
Just some minutes ago I tried to add a ComMent here, b'cause I think, I'm hav'ing Trouble with the SaMe PROB.lem for the last two days (and partly the K)night'S as well ;-> ) ) ) -->_
But now I'm Tired and make it Short:
I Think, 'ThaT I pinned the problem down to be somewhere in a script in connection with the xemule21- (no)?)mule? ->PackAge.
My best guess now is, that it has to do SomeThing with a function Getting the Wrong Number(i.e. =3) of arguments!
But that's enough for now: I only cross-read this bug and was too happy to find at least some recent report, with any resembly to actual problem, that I don't want to go into to much Deatail this Night!
-> Now I've to Go To Bed!
Good K)Nai8'T All!
PS: I ho'Pe I'Ll SeE You ToMoRroW!?!!! ! . . . ł … … … ;)