damn...I knew I made a mistake with the feisty stuff...let me fix it.
Dapper and Edgy do have dpatch as build-dep but don't use it anywhere.
Feisty and Gutsy are using dpatch for sure.
libwzd-core/wzd_protocol.c is not in the versions of dapper and edgy.
The fixed part in dapper and edgy are libwzd-core/wzd_ClientThread.c
So, the only thing still left is feisty...
Should I remove the dpatch from build-deps in dapper and edgy?
Hi Kees,
damn...I knew I made a mistake with the feisty stuff...let me fix it.
Dapper and Edgy do have dpatch as build-dep but don't use it anywhere.
Feisty and Gutsy are using dpatch for sure.
libwzd- core/wzd_ protocol. c is not in the versions of dapper and edgy. core/wzd_ ClientThread. c
The fixed part in dapper and edgy are libwzd-
So, the only thing still left is feisty...
Should I remove the dpatch from build-deps in dapper and edgy?