It’s not just Ubuntu.Thumbnailer, it’s also the import of Ubuntu.Content in DownloadsPage.qml. That one needs to be made conditional too.
When I start webbrowser-app on a fresh xenial desktop install, I’m getting the following error messages:
file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/webbrowser-app.qml:41 Type Browser unavailable
file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/Browser.qml:930 Type DownloadsPage unavailable
file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/DownloadsPage.qml:23 module "Ubuntu.Thumbnailer" is not installed
file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/DownloadsPage.qml:24 module "Ubuntu.Content" is not installed
The branch linked to that bug fixes only half of the problem.
It’s not just Ubuntu.Thumbnailer, it’s also the import of Ubuntu.Content in DownloadsPage.qml. That one needs to be made conditional too.
When I start webbrowser-app on a fresh xenial desktop install, I’m getting the following error messages:
file: ///usr/ share/webbrowse r-app/webbrowse r/webbrowser- app.qml: 41 Type Browser unavailable ///usr/ share/webbrowse r-app/webbrowse r/Browser. qml:930 Type DownloadsPage unavailable ///usr/ share/webbrowse r-app/webbrowse r/DownloadsPage .qml:23 module "Ubuntu. Thumbnailer" is not installed ///usr/ share/webbrowse r-app/webbrowse r/DownloadsPage .qml:24 module "Ubuntu.Content" is not installed
The branch linked to that bug fixes only half of the problem.